Feb 15, 2017
SPEAKER Julie Gershon
Legal Shield Business Solutions

Julie will talk with us about ID Theft Awareness.
 What is identity theft?
 Who are the victims?
 How does it happen?
 How do you get off of all of those lists?
 What consumer market solutions are available?
 What are some signs that you may be a victim?
 What can you do if you suspect you are a victim?
 What are the financial and emotional effects of this crime?
 What steps can you take to help protect yourself from becoming a victim?
 What habits do you currently have that may increase your chance of being a victim?
 What is happening with Child Identity Theft and what can you do?
 Why are Seniors such a good target and how can you help the elders in your life?
 What are you doing on Social Media Sites that can increase your risks of becoming a victim?
 How do identity theft Legislation & the MA Privacy Laws of 3/1/2010 affect YOU?
 Tax related identity theft issues continue to increase every year – what can You do?