Andover Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Update

Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship and the Power of Networks
Christine Cloonan received a 2008-2009 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, supported by the Andover Rotary Club, to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina where she was hosted by the Club of Nueva Pompeya. The scholarship supported her studies for a Master of Finance at la Universidad Torcuato di Tella. The degree enabled her to start a career in corporate finance. As a result of her experiences in Argentina, she became active in corporate philanthropy and women’s leadership. She established a partnership between American Tower, a Fortune 500 company, and Junior Achievement Americas, one of the world’s largest youth serving NGOs, and served as the President of the Boston Chapter of the Ellevate Network, a Global Community of women committed to fostering and promoting gender equality in the workplace. The Boston Chamber of Commerce selected her as a Future Leader in 2017 and she currently serves as Co-Chair of Kids in Tech, an after-school tech club in Lowell and Boston. She’s a graduate of Phillips Academy, Bowdoin College and holds a Master of Spanish from Middlebury College.