Who is Great Dog Rescue?

Great Dog Rescue New England is a nonprofit, shelterless, all-breed rescue group headquartered in Massachusetts. Our group is comprised of volunteers all over New England who love dogs and want to help those that end up homeless through no fault of their own. Loyal and loving dogs turn up every day in New England and Southern shelters, as owners turn them in or they’re found roaming the streets after being dumped.
Great Dog is dedicated to animal rescue. In addition to our primary goal of helping homeless and abandoned dogs find loving forever homes, we:
– DONATE money to spay and neuter clinics in the south to help solve the problem of pet overpopulation.
– ENGAGE IN COMMUNITY OUTREACH activities with local schools to help educate children and young adults about animal rescue, responsible pet ownership, proper pet care, etc.
– ADOPT DOGS to agencies that train dogs to assist the physically disabled and hearing impaired (many dogs that were abandoned are now helping people lead independent lives).
We are proud of the work we do with the dogs and in local communities.