Are you ready to make a difference in our community? In addition to our Traditional Membership, we offer two flexible membership levels.
1. A Service Membership has fewer meeting requirements, lower membership fees, and participation in all Rotary service projects.
2. A Corporate Membership is very similar to our Traditional Membership option. The principal corporate member gets all of the benefits that are included with a traditional membership, along with the flexibility to send a designee/associate to meetings that he/she is unable to attend each month. Corporate members may also bring associates to help at Rotary service projects. We encourage all of our principal corporate members to attend at least one meeting per month.
To learn more about Andover Rotary, please contact Membership Chair Lois McGinniss with any questions about these great options for busy local business leaders ready to join a great service club helping to improve our community.
Ready to apply for membership? Download an application here.
Joining the Rotary Club of Andover is easy.
1. Make the commitment to serve.
Rotary is one of the most prestigious service organizations in the world. Rotary International consists of 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide. Members are leaders in business, the professions and the community. Rotary’s motto of “service above self” is channeled through the numerous avenues of service: club service, vocational service, community service, and international service. Join us as a guest and get to know our members and mission!
2. Choose your membership level.
Rotary membership has numerous privileges. Regardless of your membership level, you’re a “full” Rotarian, with all rights and benefits. You can attend make-up meetings at any of the Rotary clubs around the world and attend Rotary Leadership Institute programs.
TRADITIONAL MEMBERSHIP: The traditional membership includes meals at all weekly meetings, full dues paid to our District 7930 (and Rotary International), optional contribution to the Rotary Foundation of $100/year.
CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP: Similar to Traditional Membership, this includes one meal at each weekly meeting, plus all other benefits of a Traditional Membership for the principal corporate member. The principal corporate member from the company should attend at least one meeting per month, and he/she may send a designee to each other weekly meeting.
SERVICE MEMBERSHIP: The service membership option was introduced to the Rotary Club of Andover in 2015. It’s designed for people interested to help with our service projects, but unable to attend weekly meetings. Service members have all rights and privileges of full membership but typically attend one meeting per month. Service members may attend additional meetings, paying for the meals at each of those additional meetings.
Invoices for ALL Membership types are sent quarterly by our TREASURER.
3. Complete an application.
Upon receipt of your application, our Board and members will review your application as quickly as possible. In the interim, we welcome prospective members to attend meetings, meet members, and volunteer on our numerous service projects as your membership application is pending.
4. Once accepted, jump in right away!
Attend as many meetings as possible, meet new people, and get engaged! There are numerous committees where you can help, along with opportunities to help our service projects and initiatives in the community.
Attending meetings is a great way to share fellowship and fun with the members of the Andover Rotary. We meet most weeks on Fridays at 7:30 am at the DoubleTree Hotel in Andover.
All members are expected to help with some service projects. This can include planning the projects, helping with fundraising, and supporting the many projects and events (including Citizens Who Care, Andover Cares events, Feaster Five, literacy reading program, Ironstone Farms, Lazarus House, Habitat for Humanity, Interact, food drives, Rotoplast, Polio eradication, water project, Polar Plunge, and more!)