Online Registration
Home of Mary Ann Millar
Contact Diana
Andover, MA 01810
United States of America

You, your family and guests are cordially invited to celebrate the holidays with us on Thursday, December 19th starting at 5:30 pm at the home of Mary Ann Millar in Andover. Appetizers and dinner buffet will be provided.  If you would like to bring a dessert or beverage to share or need Mary Ann's address, please email Diana who will be coordinating incoming fare.

We will also be collecting unwrapped gifts for pre-school children and canned food to benefit the Andover/No. Andover YMCA who generously offers meeting space throughout the year for our Club.  CLICK HERE for the Amazon Wish/Gift List.  Gifts from the wish list can be mailed directly to the YMCA if preferred.

RSVP by signing up online (click blue button under Online Registration to the left) or via the sign-up sheet which is being circulated at the weekly meetings.  If you are signing up for more than one person, please use the appropriate registration category to help ensure adequate food. 

Looking forward to celebrating this joyeous season together!