Past Citizens Who Care Recipients
Fred Cummings
Fred Fitzgerald
Enzo Fossella
Norma Gammon
Hooks Johnston
Calvin Mutti
Jeff Scaia
Perry Colmore
Michelle Crispo
Rick Gorman
Karen Herman
Spencer Johnson
Madhu Sridhar
Mary Wesson
Ann Wilde
Tallie Abernathy
Brianne Barrett
Jim Batchelder
Jan Burkholder
Rose Ann DiNuccio
Cindy Rayner
Jerry Silverman
Elizabeth Tentarelli
Dorothy Bresnahan
Jim Doherty
Alan French
Don Goldman
Lillian Margolis
Rosalie Ruggerio
Fred Stott
Glenn Wilson
Marlies Zammuto
Louise and Peter Aziz
Norman Bourgeois
Bill Fahey
Lucille Giannoni
Annette Grams
Len Wilson
Cheering Kitchen
Margot Bixby
Diane Hender
Alice Jaffe
Tom Jones
Mary Lyman
Brian Major
Cynthia Milne
John Obert
Justin Coppola
Dr. Gerald Dugal
Frank Eccles
Rabbi Robert Goldstein
Mark Johnson
Lisa McDonald
Dr. Peter Raffalli
Susan Stott
Richard Sumberg
Kim Adami
Fred Arrigg, Sr.
Evelyn Avallone
Diane Costagliola
Candy Dann
Donald Ellsworth
Barbara Moody
Mike Pilla
Bonnie Spurr
Josephine Walker
Fred and Tommy Arrigg
Ruby Easton
Antoinette Fischer
Peggy Keck
Bill Pennington
Al Retelle
Edith and Robert Sanborn
Judy Yost
Jane Batts
Mary Jane Bausemer
Kathy Caroll
Laurie Cox Schrieber
Janet Fluet
Susan Johnston
Beth and Morgan Kiker
John Pearson
Judy Reghitto
Don Robb
Hannah Zarkar
Leo and Marie Bernard
John Doherty
Marilyn Fitzgerald
David and Karen Giangrande
Nancy Kanell
Peggy Kruse
David Pappas
Sue Ellen Robinson
Debra Silberstein
Priscilla Bartle
Peg Campbell
Diane Caraviello
Tina Girdwood
John Hess
Steve Knapp
Tom and Nancy Maher
Bob and Margaret Pustell
Thyra Sherman
Harohalli Vijayakumar
Melissa Weigund
Kathy Abisso
Chris Christoforo
Reverend Ed Deyton
Mary Ellen Driscoll
Colleen Georgian
John Givens
Stephanie Goldshein
Cynthia Hollenbeck
Tony James
Julie McLeod
Isaac Schreiber
Lolli Sumberg
Nancy Vogler
Noni Yount
Tom Barenboim
Jack Brady
Tom and JoAnn Deso
Matt and Julie Gadzialla
Alice Hennesy
Belva Hopkins
Don and Roxanne Nickerson
Bob Rauseo
Virginia Rossini
Ashleigh Ryans
Don Schroeder
Judy Trerotola
Andrea Zaimes
David Dargie
Kathy Hess
Joe Spanos
Mildred LaMontagne
Michael O'Dea
David ierre
Napolean and Irene Potvin
Joyce and Willard Robinson
Glen Rogers
Carmen Scarpa
Merit Tukiainen
Walter Vachon
Brendan Wang
Jim and Angela Alex
Art Astbury
Jane Baldwin
Courtney Benjamin
Warren Burkholder
Alix Driscoll
Joan Duff
Dennis Forgue
Kay Frishman
Nancy Hargreaves
Cyndi Webber
Kathleen Bates
Don Borenstein
Bud Crowninsield
Carolyn Fantini
Steve Janivicus
Richard Lindsay
Ellen Marcus
Ken Matteuci
Nancy Mulvey
Mary Beth Nason
Susie Novick
Aileen Peters
Fred Snell
Dave Bunting
Abigail Cohen
Jean Cookson
Paul and Joan Dollard
Tim Felter
Nancy Gump
Esther Kim
Charlotte Lyons
Tara and John McCormick
Eric Pellerin
Claire Bishop
Susan Connolly
Dave Doub
Marie Flynn
Annie Gilbert
Ted Gorrie
Kevin Lynch
Mark Mercer
Phyllis O'Grady
Caitlin Patten
Amy Sebell
Claire Stahley
Charles Zanazzi
Tracy Callahan
Nina Caron
Bob Decelle
Jack DeCourcy
Martha Giguerre
Iverson Guo
Diana Kiesel
Gail Ralston
Jim Redmond
Tim Vaill
Rosalyn Wood
Mike DeLuca
Wendy Donohue
Jonathan & Kim Glessman
Jim Hauer
Brad Heim
Kerry Manuel (Student of the Year)
Mary McAllary
Brian McNally (Educator of the Year)
Mary Pritchard
Jonathan Samel
Victoria Bernard
Amy & Chris Bositis
Dianne Varaviello (Educator of the Year)
Steve Caron
David Floreen
MaryRuth Luther
Natalee Rozon (Student of the Year)
Sheila Serraro
Ted Teichert
Klara Vadja
Linda Carpenter Ardito
Steve Crowley (Student of the Year)
Philip D'Agati
Brian Feeney
Ron Hilbink
Stephanie Maze Hsu
Bernadette Lionetta
Leslie Seaton Malis
Liz Roos (Educator of the Year)
Dr. Katrin Schneck
Joel Blumstein
Jane Cairn
Rabbi Robert Goldstein
Louise Hadad
Joanne Lina Heim
Michael Konjoian
Carolyn Hill Page
Lenore Price
Wilson Stecher (Student of the Year)
Norma Villareal (Educator of the Year)
Muddy & Liza Waters
Andover’s 375th Anniversary Committee
Doug and Amy Cook
Melanie Cutler (Educator of the Year)
Dave Fazio
Hannah Finn
Ron Hill
Paul MacKay
Jade Nair (Student of the Year)
Frannie Nice
Raytheon RayVets
Walter and Kathy Salvi
Andover’s 375th Anniversary Committee
Doug and Amy Cook
Melanie Cutler (Educator of the Year)
Dave Fazio
Hannah Finn
Ron Hill
Paul MacKay
Jade Nair (Student of the Year)
Frannie Nice
Raytheon RayVets
Walter and Kathy Salvi
Ronnie Abraham
Larry Ardito
Luke Bardetti (Student of the Year)
Alex Bromberg
Paula Colby-Clements
Toni Hadad
Frank Kenneally
Bob MacDougall
Shari McLeod
Gina Murray (Educator of the Year)
Emily Strong
Mike & Sue Wartman